Latest News
Taking Care Of Our Mental Health
With Mental Health Week taking place this month, it is a good reminder for all of us to think about our mental wellness. Maintaining good mental health and well-being is important at every age, and older adults are no exception. As we enter our golden years, we want to ensure they are filled with health, social connection, vitality, and meaning.
International Women’s Day
In honour of International Women’s Day, we would like to express our appreciation for Elizabeth Marr, Chair of The Vic Foundation’s Board of Directors.
New Television Investment Supports Patient Comfort
In the days following the onset of the pandemic, The Vic Foundation launched a one-year program to fund TV rental costs for patients. This service provided comfort, relaxation and entertainment to those separated from their loved ones. This year, we are refocusing our efforts to improve the comfort of patients both now and in the future.
Make Nutrition Your Priority This Month
It’s difficult to get all the nutrients we need to stay healthy. Learning what foods are rich in vitamins, which foods we should be eating more, and how to cook healthy and appetizing meals can feel like a chore. As we age, we often face even more barriers to getting all the nutrients we need. Eating well has a lot of benefits. It can help us prevent disease and injury, give us the energy to enjoy life, and help us keep our independence.
New Manitoba Research Investment Supports Global Fight Against COVID-19
Through the generous support of our community, Victoria Hospital Foundation recently partnered with Research Manitoba to invest $100,000 in new Manitoba clinical trials related to COVID-19.