Latest News
Your Giving Heart
As we say farewell to our glorious Fall temperatures and welcome Winter’s holiday spirit, I want to thank you for all your heart-filled support.
6th Annual Miracle Garden Party: Another Blooming Success
This year's Miracle Garden Party took place on September 9th and raised an all-time high of over $163,000!
The sold-out event was held across four local restaurants and blossomed into one of the best evenings in a long time.
The festivities included live music from Nazeen with Special Guests and Garrett Neiles, an interview with Artbeat Studio and a live demo of our Telepresence robots.
A Legacy of Helping Others: The Story of Elizabeth Chan
Elizabeth Chan was someone who believed in the importance of helping others. It is a philosophy that her entire family lived by, and it’s the way that Elizabeth wanted to be remembered.
Staff Reflections - Karen Retha
The global pandemic of COVID-19 challenged even the most seasoned Infection Control Professional. A new emerging pathogen where information about its transmission and prevention was being released at what seemed like a moment’s notice and changing at an immense speed. The sheer volume of information was very overwhelming. Just when you felt you had a good handle on what was what…another change.
Taking Care of Our Mental Health
Mental Health Week is taking place from May 2-8, 2022 and it serves as an opportunity for all of us to learn more about mental illness and share our experiences with each other. It is also a good reminder to think about our own mental well-being and how we are practicing self-care.