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Staff Reflections - Karen Retha

The global pandemic of COVID-19 challenged even the most seasoned Infection Control Professional. A new emerging pathogen where information about its transmission and prevention was being released at what seemed like a moment’s notice and changing at an immense speed. The sheer volume of information was very overwhelming. Just when you felt you had a good handle on what was what…another change.

Taking Care of Our Mental Health

Mental Health Week is taking place from May 2-8, 2022 and it serves as an opportunity for all of us to learn more about mental illness and share our experiences with each other. It is also a good reminder to think about our own mental well-being and how we are practicing self-care.

Women's Heart Health Prevention Program: Early Intervention Cardiovascular Care is at the Heart of Women’s Health

The Miracle Garden is a place of introspection, inspiration and innovation. So, it was the perfect setting for the recent launch of a social impact bond that will fund the newly developed Women’s Heart Health Prevention Program. The Government of Manitoba, Victoria Hospital Foundation, and Reh-Fit Centre are partnering with the goal of reducing heart disease for women in Manitoba through early intervention.

New Research Aims To Improve Bariatric Care In Manitoba For Indigenous Peoples

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada has called for research to identify and close the gaps in health outcomes between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities, with a focus on indicators such as chronic diseases. According to The Canadian Community Health Survey, Indigenous Peoples experience higher levels of obesity than non-Indigenous Canadians. While bariatric surgery is the most effective treatment for obesity, literature suggests Indigenous Peoples have poorer access to bariatric care and that little research has been done to examine their experience.

Grateful For You

As summer winds down and we look ahead to fall, I find myself with so many reasons to be grateful. Above all, I am grateful for your ongoing support.