Latest News
World-Renowned Educator Trains Staff in Acclaimed Dementia Care Techniques
Through the generosity of The Vic Foundation's endowment fund supporters, more than 200 staff at Victoria Hospital and ACCESS Fort Garry attended educational workshops with world-renowned dementia care educator Teepa Snow.
Justin's Journey
During his teen years, Justin escaped a home environment filled with psychological and physical abuse. Somehow, he managed to remain in school. During his senior year, his teacher Tom discovered he had no secure home and he suffered from acute anxiety and depression.
$200,000 Wi-Fi Investment Helps Patients Stay Connected
Thanks to the incredible support of our community, The Vic Foundation has invested $200,000 in Wi-Fi technological upgrades at Victoria Hospital to help patients and families stay connected to loved ones while in hospital.
You Are Changing Lives
We all want to enjoy a better quality of life, one in which we feel a strong sense of meaning, purpose, and most importantly - hope.
New Research Aims To Improve Care for Patients with Dementia
New research is underway to study the impact of a multi-sensory environment on patients with dementia at Victoria Hospital. This research follows an in-depth analysis of feedback from patients, families, and staff highlighting the opportunity for increased engagement.