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A Legacy of Helping Others: The Story of Elizabeth Chan
Elizabeth Chan was someone who believed in the importance of helping others. It is a philosophy that her entire family lived by, and it’s the way that Elizabeth wanted to be remembered.
Our Community's Well-Being Is Crucial
My name is Elizabeth Marr and today I want you to know how inspired I am by the kindness of our community.
As Chair of Victoria Hospital Foundation Board, I have to say I'm in a fortunate position. Because not only do I get of be part of facilitating great change in my home province, I also get to see how much further the Foundation team can improve healthcare each and every year.
Bringing the best in mental healthcare – YOU make it possible!
We are Dr. Sherief El-Gaaly (Director of Mental Health Services at Victoria Hospital) and Dr. Jitender Sareen (Department Head of Psychiatry at the University of Manitoba and Shared Health’s Provincial Specialty Lead for Mental Health and Addictions) – and today, we wish to tell you about the incredible strides Victoria Hospital has made while facing this global pandemic and the great challenges we know are on the horizon.
Karri's Story
Our mom, Jerri Bennett, was smart, funny, loving, strong-willed and eternally optimistic. She was also a realist. She loved life and her family and was in relatively good health at the age of 83.
Generosity, Dedication, and the Story of Two Lifetime Volunteers
The little desk in the front entrance of Victoria Hospital is often home to a friendly face in a blue vest — a Vic Foundation Volunteer Ambassador.