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Ginette’s Story

Blog, Inspirational Stories, News
Coping with mental health issues has been part of my life for approximately 26 years. I would say for most of those 26 years, and longer, there has been a genuine stigma attached to people who live and struggle to cope with mental illness. As a care provider and a health care advocate to a loved one who lives with mental illness, this has been a very difficult and sometimes helpless journey. Expectations are that a person “can just give it some time” and they will eventually “feel better”. That’s not the way it works!

But then the COVID-19 pandemic hit and things started to change. The world turned upside down and people lived with Covid restrictions for over two years. Life as we knew it changed completely. This had a profound effect on people’s mental health. People can now see what I have known for many years - that mental illness is a very relevant health issue. We have always placed significant emphasis on physical health issues, but we are now in a time where we need to commit significantly more attention to mental health care.

Victoria Hospital is committed to supporting our community with their Mental Health program. The more funds you have, the more care and support you can provide. It's pretty simple. Because mental health issues touch my family and my own life, I feel it is my responsibility to support the important work that Victoria Hospital and its Foundation do.

I hope sharing my story will motivate people to think and be kinder to those with mental health issues. I also hope you consider joining me in supporting this important cause and help provide our community with the care and tools desperately needed.

Thank you

Ginette Volpato